Professional Associations and Research

A pioneer among academic survey organizations.

Professional Associations

Center for Survey Research staff are actively involved in and serve on committees of professional associations in survey research, statistics, anthropology, management, marketing research, human-computer interaction, and information technology, including:

  • Association of Academic Survey Research Organizations
  • American Association for Public Opinion Research
  • American Marketing Association
  • American Statistical Association
  • Association for Computing Machinery, SIGCHI
  • Academy of Management
  • Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management
  • Interaction Design Association
  • International Field Directors and Field Technologies Conference
  • Society for Human Resource Management
  • User Experience Professionals Association

Research Presentations and Publications

In 2008, the CSR’s John Kennedy became the first editor of the online scholarly journal Survey Practice, which provides practical information on the production of surveys, the application and outcomes of survey methods research, and the changing conditions that affect survey quality and survey organizations.

Our staff present and publish leading research in a number of methodological and substantive areas. Please see below for a selection.

Hansen, S.E., Benson, G., Bowers, A., Pennell, B-E., Lin, Y., Duffey, B., Hu, M., and K. Cibelli Hibben. (2016). “Survey Quality.” In Cross-Cultural Survey Guidelines. Retrieved from

Alcser, K., Antoun, C., Bowers, A., Clemens, J., and C. Lien. (2010). Ethical considerations in surveys. In Cross-Cultural Survey Guidelines (Chapter 3).

Bowers, A., and R. A. Orlowski. (2009) Development of standardized documentation on study methodology for cross-national surveys. Presented at the Third Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Warsaw, Poland.

Pennell, B. E., Hansen, S. E., Alcser, K., Benson, G., Bowers, A., and J. Clemens. (2009). Quality in cross-cultural data collection. Presented at the Comparative Survey Design Initiative Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI.

Bowers, A., Benson, G., Alcser, K., Clemens, J., and R. A. Orlowski. (2008). An overview of ethical principles and guidelines in cross-national survey research. Presented at the International Conference on Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional and Multicutural Contexts, Berlin, Germany.

Pennell, B. E., Benson, G., Hansen, S. E., Bowers, A., and K. Alcser. (2008). Quality monitoring in cross-national data collection. Presented at the 7th International Conference on Social Science Methodology, Naples, Italy.

Pennell, B. E., Mneimneh, Z., Bowers, A., Chardoul, S., Wells, E., Viana, M. C., Dinkelmann, K., Gebler, N., Florescu, S., He, Y., Huang, Y., Tomov, T., and G. Vilagut. (2008). Implementation of the World Mental Health Survey Initiative. In Kessler, RC & Usten, TB (eds). The World Mental Health Survey Initiative Volume One: Patterns of Mental Illness in the WMH Surveys. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Agans, R. F., Kalsbeek, W. D., Bowers, A., Deeb-Sossa, N., and S. Barger (2001). Mexican immigrants and the use of cognitive assessment techniques in questionnaire development. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Montréal, Canada.

Yahng, L. & McConnell, W. (2016). Fit for purpose: best practices in survey-based community health assessments. Paper presented at the inaugural Indiana Public Health Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Giroux, S. (2013). Using mixed methods to better understand food choice. Paper presented as part of session, New and Renewed Methods in the Anthropology of food and Nutrition: A Critique of What Works and Why Part II. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL.

Giroux, S. (2009). "Well... if you consider potatoes healthy": models of healthy consumption in Upstate New York. Paper presented as part of panel, Rethinking Health and Consumption: Models of Wellbeing, Paradoxes of Values. Society for Medical Anthropology Meeting, New Haven, CT.

Bancroft, J., Strong, D., Carnes, L. A., Davis, L. A., and J. Kennedy. (2005). The impact of sexual arousal on sexual risk-taking: A qualitative study. Journal of Sex Research, 42(3).

Brown, E. J., Hill, M., and S. Giroux. (2005). "A 28-Day Program Ain't Helping the Crack Smoker": Perceptions of Effective Drug Abuse Prevention Interventions by Rural African American Who Use Cocaine. The Journal of Rural Health, 20(3):286-295.

Giroux, S. and D. Schwartz. (2005). Using GIS to Analyze Behavioral Data for HIV Prevention Planning. Poster presentation, National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Yarber, W., Kennedy, J., Sanders, S. A., Crosby, R., Graham, C. A., Heckman, T. G., and R. R. Milhausen. (2005). Prevalence of condom use errors and problems among Indiana rural men: A telephone survey. In M. Torabi (ed). The Health Education Monograph Series. Muncie, IN: Eta Sigma Gamma.

Giroux, S., Negrón R., and C. McCarty. (2004). A Personal Network Approach to Anthropology and Mental Health. Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX.

Pennell, B., Bowers, A., Carr, D., Chardoul, S., Cheung, G., Dinkelmann, K., Gebler, N., Hansen, S. E., Pennell, S., and M. Torres. (2004). The development and implementation of the National Comorbidity Survey Replication, the National Survey of American Life, and the National Latino and Asian American Survey. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 13(4): 241-269.

Kinney, E., Kennedy, J., Cook, C. L., Freedman, J., Lane, K., and S. Hui. (2003). A randomized trial of two quality improvement strategies implemented in a statewide public community-based, long-term care program. Medical Care, 41(9).

Giroux, S. and D. McMillan. (200). Institutional Support Assistance Grant Training Module: Monitoring the Nutritional Impacts of Africare Title II Food Security Programs. Agriculture and Food for Development Unit, Africare, Washington, D.C.

Kalsbeek, W. D., Agans, R. F., Bowers, A., Suchindran, C. M., and R. E. Folsom, Jr. (2000). An inter-disciplinary center addressing statistical issues in health research aimed at high-risk populations. Presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings of the the American Statistical Association, Indianapolis, IN.

Kennedy, J. (2010). Conducting research on the internet. Presented at the OHRP Community Research Forum at Case Western University, Cleveland, OH.

Kennedy, J., Tepper, S., and A. Lambert. (2010). An analysis of mode effects in three survey modes in the Strategic National Arts Alumni Project. Presented at the 2nd International Workshop on Internet Survey Methods, Daejon, South Korea.

Jacob, R. T., Scott, L., and A. Bowers. (2008). Evaluation and implementation of web surveys in school-based settings. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.

Bowers, A., Scott, L., and R.T. Jacob. (2007). Evaluation and implementation of EDR in school-based research. Presented at the Third International Conference on Establishment Surveys, Montreal, Quebec.

Carini, R., Kuh, G., Hayek, J., Kennedy, J., and J. Ouimet. (2003). College student responses to web and paper surveys: Does mode matter? Research in Higher Education, 44(1).

Kennedy, J. M., Kuh, G., and R. Carini. (2000). Web and mail surveys: Preliminary results of comparisons based on a large-scale survey. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Portland, OR.

Bowers, A. (2014). Effective approaches to involving students in your center's operations. Panel presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Academic Survey Research Organizations, Chicago, IL.

Giroux, S. (2014). The unique and not-so-unique position of academic survey research centers: Planning for long-term sustainability, quality, and cost excellence. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Pasadena, CA.

Yahng, L. (2014). Do happy interviewers make better interviewers? Presented at the International Field Directors and Technologies Conference, Pasadena, CA.

Yahng, L. (2014). Monitoring interviewer behaviors. Panel presentation at the International Field Directors and Technologies Conference, Pasadena, CA.

Yahng, L. (2014). Building relationships with clients and the public. Panel discussion at the International Field Directors and Technologies Conference, Pasadena, CA

Bowers, A. (2013). Adopting a framework for organization management: Positive organizational scholarship. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Academic Survey Research Organizations, Durham, NH.

Bowers, A. (2012). Transitioning to a new director (of an academic survey research organization). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Academic Survey Research Organizations, Athens, GA.

Bowers, A., Herringa, S. G., Elliott, M. R., Cameron, A. H., and L. Yahng. (2012). Investigation the effect of interviewer job attitudes on turnover and job performance. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Orlando, FL.

Bowers, A., Herringa, S. G., Elliott, M. R., and B. Duffey. (2011). Investigating the effect of interviewer job attitudes on turnover and job performance in centralized telephone interviewing facilities. Presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Miami Beach, FL.

Bowers, A., Orlowski, R. A., Lee, H. J., and C. Antoun. (2010). Understanding the effect of job satisfaction moderated by hob involvement on interviewer turnover. Presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Vancouver, Canada.

Orlowski, R. A., and A. Bowers. (2009). Cost of one lost: An exploration of the predictors of interviewer attrition. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the America Association for Public Opinion Research, Hollywood, FL.

Clusen, N., and A. Bowers. (2001) Building the educational and training infrastructure of the survey research profession. Panel discussion at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Montreal, Quebec.

Bowers, A. (2000). Good interviewers: Finding them and keeping them. Panel presentation at the Annual Conference of the Southern Association for Public Opinion Research, Raleigh, NC.

Bowers, A., and N. Clusen. (2000). Understanding and addressing the problem of interviewer turnover in survey organizations. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Portland, OR.

Bowers, A. (1999). Training interviewers to prompt mail survey nonrespondents. Presented at the International Field Directors and Technologies Conference, Clearwater, FL.

Yahng, L., Talley, J., & Wietelman, D. (2018). The good old days? Recall, satisfaction, and satisficing in an assessment survey of arts alumni. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research in Denver, Colorado.

Clark, A., Wietelman, D., Paydar, N., Rupp, J., and J. D. Graham. (2017). Exploring the effectiveness of indirect questioning in reducing social desirability bias. A presentation given at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Baltimore, MD.

Yahng, L., Wietelman, D., & Dula, L. (2016). Tell me more: data quality, burden, and designing for information-rich responses in web surveys. Poster presented at the International Conference on Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluating, and Testing in Miami, Florida.

Giroux, S. (2015). Introduction to survey questionnaire design. In SAGE Research Methods Series. SAGE Publications: New York.

Yahng, L. (2015). Introduction to survey research. In SAGE Research Methods Series. SAGE Publications: New York.

Bowers, A., Giroux, S., Duncan, D., Nadella, V. and J. D. Graham. (2014). Investigating nonresponse error in open-ended survey items, and their potential for enriching validity of closed-ended measures. Presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings of the American statistical Association, Boston, MA.

Cole, J., Bowers, A., Brummett-Carter, H., and A. McCormick. (2012). Straightlining and survey reluctance: Prevalence and implications. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Orlando, FL.

Orlowski, R. A., Bowers, A., and W. E. Baker. (2011). Using interviewer observations related to the interview process for measurement error and nonresponse error adjustment. Presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Miami Beach, FL.

Schroeder, H. M., Stark, R. W., Bowers, A., Goddard, R. D., and R. T. Jacob. (2011). Assessment of measurement error and nonresponse error using respondent-provided paradata from paper self-administered questionnaires. Presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Miami, FL.

Kennedy, J. (2009). The SNAAP Lifemap — A visual, interactive survey data collection program. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Hollywood, FL.

Kennedy, J., Gonyea, R., and R. Chamberlain. (2009). The impact of format changes on web survey abandonment and response distributions. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Anaheim, CA.

Kennedy, J. (2004). Comparison of questions across two surveys: The results of a quasi-experiment. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Phoenix, AZ.

Bowers, A., and J. M. Gonzalez. (2007). An assessment of the effect of misreporting of phone line information on key weighted estimates from four national RDD surveys. Presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Salt Lake City, UT.

Ouimet, J., Bunnage, J. C., Carini, R. M., Kennedy, J., and G. D. Kuh. (2004). Using focus groups, expert advice, and cognitive interviews to establish the validity of a college student survey. Research in Higher Educations, 45(3).

Grønbjerg, K., Clark, A., Martin, H., and L. Shaman. (2017). Surveying Indiana nonprofits: sampling strategies and quality. A presentation given at the 14th West Coast Nonprofit Data Conference, Seattle, WA.

Duncan, D., Nadella, V., Bowers, A., Giroux, S. and J. D. Graham. (2014). Bumpy designs: Impact of privacy and technology costs on support for road mileage user fees. National Tax Journal, 67(3), 505-530. Retrieved from

Duncan, D., Graham, J., Nadella, V., Bowers, A. and Giroux, S. (2014), Demand for Benefit Taxation: Evidence From Public Opinion on Road Financing. Public Budgeting & Finance, 34: 120–142. doi:10.1111/pbaf.12046

Paydar, N., Graham, J., Alcorn, J., Bowers, A., Carley, S., Rupp, J., and O. Schenk. (2014). The effect of community reinvestment funds on local acceptance of unconventional gas development. Presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Fall Research Conference, Albuquerque, NM.

Gazley, B. and A. bowers, (2013). What makes high-performing boards: Effective governance practices in member-serving organizations. Washington, DC: American Society of Association Executives.

Bowers, A. (2000). Citizen and employee surveys. Presented at the Winter Conference of the North Carolina.

Levine, F., Kennedy J., and T. VanValey. (2009). Human subjets reviews in sociology. Didactic seminar presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Kennedy, J. M. (2008). Anonymity in survey research. In P. Lavrakas (ed). Encyclopedia of Survey Research. Sage.

Kennedy, J. M. (2008). Confidentiality in survey research. In P. Lavrakas (ed). Encyclopedia of Survey Research. Sage.

Kennedy, J. M. (2005). Issues in internet research ethics for sociologists. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Kennedy, J. M. (2005). Institutional review boards and institutional researchers. In P. Umbaugh (ed). Directions for Institutional Research. Jossey Bass

Kennedy, J. M. (2004). A guide to the use of survey methods in research on research integrity. Presented at the Office of Research Integrity Research on Research Integrity Conference.

Kennedy, J. M. (2003) Ethical dimension of internet research. Professional workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the America Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA.

Kennedy, J. M. (2001). Ethics codes and survey researchers. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Montréal, Canada.

Clark, A., Terhune Marti, H., Giroux, S., Lin, Y., Strzeszkowski, J., Layman, R., Ables, E., King, R., and M. Jun. (2015). Understanding school-level nonresponse and developing strategies to maximize participation in school-based substance use surveys. A presentation given at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Seattle, WA.

Bowers, A., Giroux, S., Duncan, D., Nadella, V., and J.D. Graham. (2014). Investigating nonresponse error in open-ended survey items and their potential for enriching validity of closed-ended measures. A presentation given at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Boston, MA.

Bowers, A., Gazley, B., Killam, C., and S. Moss. (2013). Exploring organizational characteristics and design features affecting nonresponse in surveys of nonprofit organizations. Presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Montreal, Quebec.

Groves, R. M., Kreuter, F., Casas-Cordero, C., and A. Bowers (2010). An independent analysis of the Nielsen Meter and Diary Nonresponse Bias Studies. Presented at the Nielsen Council for Research Excellence Summit on Nonresponse Bias and Sample Representativeness, New York, NY.

Kennedy, J., Tepper, S., Gaskil, S., and G. Kuh. (2010). The SNAAP experiments: An attempt to improve response and measure error. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, IL.

Bowers, A. (2009). Exploring how organizational structure and environmental features affect organization response to survey design features. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL.

Bowers, A., and R. M. Groves. (2009). Television viewing among respondents and nonrespondents to the Nielsen People-Meter Survey. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Public Opinion Research, Hollywood, FL.

Groves, R. M., Bowers, A., Kreuter, F., Casas-Cordero, C., and P. V. Miller. (2009). An independent analysis of the Nielsen Meter Nonresponse Bias Study: A report to the council for Research Excellence.

Kreuter, F., Casas-Cordero, C., Groves, R. M., Bowers, a., and P. V. Miller. (2009). An independent analysis of the Nielsen Diary Nonresponse Bias study. A report to the Council for Research Excellence.

Bowers, A. (2008). Identifying, collecting and using auxiliary variables to adjust for nonresponse bias in organizational surveys. Presented at the Joint statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Denver, CO.

Groves, R, M., Brick, J. M., Couper, M., Kalsbeek, W., Harris-Kojetin, B., Kreuter, F., Pennell, B., Raghunathan, T., Schouten, B., Smith, T., Tourangeau, R., Bowers, A., Jans, M., Kennedy, C., Levenstein, R., Olson, J., Peytcheva, E., Ziniel, S., and J. Wagner. (2008, October). Issues facing the field: Alternative practical measures of representativeness of survey respondent pools. Survey Practice. Retrieved from

Kennedy, J. M. (2006). What do non-response surveys reveal? Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Montreal, Canada.

Kennedy, J. M., and N. Bannister. (2005). Survey outcomes and the characteristics of telephone number exchanges. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the America Association for Public Opinion Research, Miami Beach, FL.

Bowers, A., and J. M. Gonzalez. (2002). Informing the design of advance letters with an understanding of how they work across population groups and studies. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, St. Petersburg, FL.

Bowers, A., and J. Morton. (1999). Understanding the factors related to nonresponse in mail establishment surveys. Presented at the International Conference on Survey Nonresponse, Portland, OR.

Bowers, A., Morton, J., and S. Earnshaw. (1999). The timing of the incentive offer and its effect on response rate in a mail survey of local health department directors. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, St. Petersburg, FL.

Groves, R. M., Singer, E., Corning, A., and A. Bowers. (1999). A laboratory approach to measuring the effects on survey participation of interview length, incentives, differential incentives, and refusal conversion. Journal of Official Statistics, 15:251-268.

Kennedy, J. M., Parks, R., Bannister, N., Terhune, H., and J. Inghram. (1998). An analysis of the effect of varying pre-survey letter characteristics on cooperation rates. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, St. Louis, MO.

Center for Survey Research
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