

CSR has the capability to develop and implement a wide range of sample designs. We work closely with each collaborator to devise a sampling approach that balances costs and analytic needs.

  • Our aim is to maximize the sampling frame’s coverage of the target population within cost constraints and to ensure that lists are up-to-date. We have extensive list cleaning procedures to identify and correct inaccurate information prior to sample selection and data collection.
  • We can implement stratification and clustering in the initial sample design as well as subsampling of nonrespondents during data collection in order to meet analytic goals and to minimize survey error and costs.
  • For general population surveys, list-assisted random-digit dialing (RDD) and address-based sampling (ABS) designs are common. We work with Marketing Systems Group using their Genesys sampling system to select landline and cell phone samples and address-based samples that are efficient and yield high coverage. The Genesys system can also be used to sample within geographic areas and to target persons or businesses with specific characteristics.
  • We also have extensive experience with samples and censuses of association members, organization leaders, and university-based faculty and student populations that are selected from lists provided by our collaborators, university offices, or other sources.
  • Statistical adjustment and weighting services are also available. 
Center for Survey Research
Morrison Hall 120
1165 E Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
(812) 856-0779 or (800) 258-7691
Free Weekly Consulting Hours:

Excludes first and last weeks of classes, holiday breaks and exam weeks. If the listed times are not convenient, please schedule an appointment using our Contact Us form.

Wednesdays 12PM-1:30PM (by appointment only)
Scholars' Commons
Herman B. Wells Library
East Tower E157N or by Zoom
 Book an appointment online